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Messages - KyleH112

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bug Reports / Re: Runebook
« on: January 25, 2025, 09:06:54 PM »
Hab gerade versuch die markierte Rune auf das Runenbuch zu legen aber es nimmt die Rune nicht an , mach ich etwas falsch oder wie geht das ?

I just tried to put the marked rune on the rune book but it doesn't accept the rune, am I doing something wrong or how does it work?

I made some updates to the runebook and it should now let you drag and drop marked runes onto it
To recharge the runebook drop either recall scrolls=1 charge or gate travel scrolls=2 charges onto it  ;D

Bug Reports / Re: Inscription
« on: January 25, 2025, 07:40:08 PM »
Ich habe lange versucht diesen Stift aufzufinden aber ich glaube ich habe keinen einzigen Scripe NPC gefunden oder disen Stift. Wie ist der skill hier eingebunden und wie stellt man die Blank scrolls her?

I've been trying to find this pen for a long time but I don't think I've found a single script NPC or this pen. How is the skill integrated here and how do you create the blank scrolls?

To make a map pen its the tinkering skill and 1 iron ingot
To make a scribe pen its the tinkering skill 1 feather and 1 ink well
pens are located under the tools section of tinkering (shovel icon)

I have also added a map maker and scribe NPC to the bottom right of the neutral zone that sells the pens, blank maps and blank scrolls  ;D

Dont think you need a pen tho, inscription crafting is triggered by double clicking a blank scroll

But to craft blank scrolls its the carpentry skill and 1 parchment

Bug Reports / Re: Inscription
« on: January 25, 2025, 07:36:11 PM »
ahh ok , denn wird es sicher auch bei mir klappen wenn ich reagenzien habe , Great!

ahh ok, then it will definitely work for me too if I have reagents, great!

You can use the item stone to buy a bunch of reagents easily  8)

Bug Reports / Re: Schmieden
« on: January 25, 2025, 07:24:21 PM »
jepp ist raus ausm Menu  :)

jepp is out of the menu  :)

Yeah those should only be found with monster loot not craftable  8)

Bug Reports / Re: Inscription
« on: January 25, 2025, 07:22:07 PM »
Ja komm soviel musst du mir schon zutrauen  das ich das probiert habe ; -)

Yes, come on, you have to trust me that I tried it ;-)

Did some edits and it works for me now, I also have a bunch of reagents in my pack

Bug Reports / Re: Schmieden
« on: January 25, 2025, 07:00:36 PM »
Im Schmiedemenu sind diese Osi Magische Rüstungen Hardening Guardening wenn man auf normale ingots klickt

In the forge menu these Osi Magic Armor Hardening Guardening are when you click on normal ingots

Check again, better now?

Bug Reports / Re: Inscription
« on: January 25, 2025, 06:53:15 PM »
es geht aber leider immer noch nicht ich kann den stift nicht ebnutzen obwohl ich leere scrolls bei mir habe

Unfortunately it still doesn't work. I can't use the pen even though I have empty scrolls with me.

Double click the scrolls not the pen

Bug Reports / Re: Spellbook
« on: January 25, 2025, 06:12:24 PM »
Fullspellbook ist wieder leer und man kann bei einem leeren keine Sprüche hinzufügen

Fullspellbook is empty again and you can't add spells when it's empty

fixed ... again lol

Bug Reports / Re: Inscription
« on: January 25, 2025, 06:03:58 PM »
I put the skill ball in your backpack, it will set all skills under 30.0 to 30.0+

Bug Reports / Re: Tinkering
« on: January 25, 2025, 04:13:07 PM »
Ich habe 10.0 Tinkering und kann einen schmiedehammer herstellen , dafür muss ich aber an die Schmiede/Amboss und wenn ich den Hammer hergestellt habe , steigt mein Schmiedeskill

I have 10.0 Tinkering and can make a blacksmith hammer, but for that I have to go to the forge/anvil and when I have made the hammer, my blacksmith skill increases

Blacksmithing Hammer was in both blacksmithing and tinkering craft menu, I have removed it from blacksmithing and is now only in tinkering. Good find!


Bug Reports / Re: Inscription
« on: January 25, 2025, 04:07:45 PM »
ich kann nix machen mit den items und ich denke das der mindestskill bei 30 liegt und die npcs bringen einen ja nix bei , dann ist das schwierig auch mit anderen skill wenn man die mindest skill von 30 nicht erreichen kann und mit welchem skill macht man jetzt die blank scrolls und mit welchen Material.Normal ist es doch carpentry und logs oder nicht?

I can't do anything with the items and I think that the minimum skill is 30 and the NPCs don't teach you anything, so it's difficult with other skills too if you can't reach the minimum skill of 30 and what skill do you use to make the blank scrolls and what material do you use? Normally it's carpentry and logs, right?

I'm going to make a script that will automatically set all skills to 30.0 if its under 30.0, working on it now

Bug Reports / Re: Inscription
« on: January 25, 2025, 01:36:14 PM »
Ich habe lange versucht diesen Stift aufzufinden aber ich glaube ich habe keinen einzigen Scripe NPC gefunden oder disen Stift. Wie ist der skill hier eingebunden und wie stellt man die Blank scrolls her?

I've been trying to find this pen for a long time but I don't think I've found a single script NPC or this pen. How is the skill integrated here and how do you create the blank scrolls?

To make a map pen its the tinkering skill and 1 iron ingot
To make a scribe pen its the tinkering skill 1 feather and 1 ink well
pens are located under the tools section of tinkering (shovel icon)

I have also added a map maker and scribe NPC to the bottom right of the neutral zone that sells the pens, blank maps and blank scrolls  ;D

Dont think you need a pen tho, inscription crafting is triggered by double clicking a blank scroll

But to craft blank scrolls its the carpentry skill and 1 parchment

Server & Client Support / Re: What happened to my character?
« on: January 23, 2025, 09:28:32 PM »

Server & Client Support / Re: What happened to my character?
« on: January 23, 2025, 08:33:53 PM »
JaquarPaw. Yes Santiago dollars for being online

Did you remake the character yet? I'm not seeing it.

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